Tato stránka obsahuje fotografie, které vznikly původním historickým postupem, technikou mokré kolódiové desky (Archer, 1851). Skleněná deska se polije kolódiem a ponoří se do roztoku dusičnanu stříbrného. Po čtyřech minutách se vyndá, po tmě se upevní do kazety a vloží do fotoaparátu. Exponuje se odejmutím krytky objektivu dlouhým časem několika sekund. Deska se pak vyvolá politím roztokem síranu železnatého a ustaluje se půl minuty ponořením do roztoku kyanidu draselného. Vše se musí stihnout do několika minut, než kolódium zaschne. Nakonec se deska zahřeje nad kahanem a lakuje politím sandarakem rozpuštěným v ethanolu, etheru a levandulovém oleji. Sklo se podloží černým sametem a ustálené stříbro tak vytváří pozitivní obraz. Takto zachycený okamžik reality vydrží na skle stovky let.
Ambrotype 01   Ambrotype 02
Time for dry artichoke and five yellow daffodils
Clear glass ambrotype 3"x5", date 5.4.2011
Lens Ed.Liesegang at f/10, exposure time 18 s
Old Guy collodion, KCN fixer
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  Scissors and three apples for Miss Evelyn
Clear glass ambrotype 3"x5", date 7.4.2011
Lens Ed.Liesegang at f/10, exposure time 15 s
Old Guy collodion, KCN fixer
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Ambrotype 03   Ambrotype 04
We're only in it for the money
Clear glass ambrotype 3"x5", date 10.4.2011
Lens Ed.Liesegang at f/10, exposure time 35 s
New Guy collodion, KCN fixer
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  Wild ride with drop of ether and pinch of cyanide
Clear glass ambrotype 3"x5", date 13.4.2011
Lens Ed.Liesegang at f/10, exposure time 18 s
New Guy collodion, KCN fixer
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Ambrotype 05   Ambrotype 06
Two old deferred valves
Clear glass ambrotype 3"x5", date 15.4.2011
Lens Ed.Liesegang at f/15, exposure time 65 s
New Guy collodion (used), KCN fixer
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  Christine - night guardian of the old library
Clear glass ambrotype 3"x5", date 27.4.2011
Lens Ed.Liesegang at f/8, exposure time 18 s
Old Guy collodion (used), KCN fixer
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Ambrotype 07   Ambrotype 09
Lock was locked with three rusty keys - forever
Clear glass ambrotype 3"x5", date 30.5.2011
Lens Ed.Liesegang at f/10, exposure time 5 s on sunlight
Old Guy collodion, KCN fixer
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  Two Flanes for Nefer
Clear glass ambrotype 3"x5", date 30.5.2011
Lens Ed.Liesegang at f/10, exposure time 35 s
Old Guy collodion, KCN fixer
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Ambrotype 10   Ambrotype 10b
Marketa - my first portrait
Clear glass ambrotype 5"x8", date 18.12.2011
Lens Carl Zeiss at f/10, exposure time 20 s
Old Guy collodion, KCN fixer
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  Christmas Maggie
Clear glass ambrotype 3"x5", date 18.12.2011
Lens Carl Zeiss at f/10, exposure time 18 s
Old Guy collodion, KCN fixer
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Ambrotype 11   Ambrotype 12
Sugar And Whip
Clear glass ambrotype 3"x5", date 19.12.2011
Lens Carl Zeiss at f/10, exposure time 20 s
Old Guy collodion, KCN fixer
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  Grand Gimlet And Dual Weasel
Clear glass ambrotype 3"x5", date 19.12.2011
Lens Ed.Liesegang at f/10, exposure time 25 s
Old Guy collodion, KCN fixer
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Ambrotype 13   Ambrotype 14
Last Flowers For Mr. President
Clear glass ambrotype 3"x5", date 19.12.2011
Lens Ed.Liesegang at f/10, exposure time 30 s
Old Guy collodion, KCN fixer
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  Behind Glass In A Safe
Clear glass ambrotype 3"x5", date 19.12.2011
Lens Ed.Liesegang at f/15, exposure time 40 s
Old Guy collodion, KCN fixer
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Ambrotype 15   Ambrotype 16
Clear glass ambrotype 5"x8", date 7.1.2012
Lens Ed.Liesegang at f/12, exposure time 75 s
New Guy collodion, KCN fixer
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  Flower Power
Clear glass ambrotype 5"x8", date 14.1.2012
Lens Ed.Liesegang at f/15, exposure time 55 s
New Guy collodion, KCN fixer
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Ambrotype 18   Ambrotype 19
Clear glass ambrotype 5"x8", date 14.1.2012
Lens Ed.Liesegang at f/12, exposure time 55 s
New Guy collodion, KCN fixer
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  Old Iron
Clear glass ambrotype 5"x8", date 14.1.2012
Lens Ed.Liesegang at f/10, exposure time 75 s
New Guy collodion, KCN fixer
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Jara Stauber

Ambrotype - Wet Plate Collodion